There are so many questions people ask about guinea pigs. And by so many, I mean a lot of curious, good, questions. Now here's your chance to know the answer of questions you may have asked, and learn new facts about these interesting animals. Many of them may benefit you and your Guinea Pig.
Q: My cavy keeps on eating her fecal matter. Is something wrong with her?
A: Nothing is wrong with you Guinea Pig. Guinea Pigs produce two kinds of poo,"Normal, and cecotropes. Cecotropes, or cecals, pas through the Piggy's digestive tract, which is common in many rodents. This type of scat is rich in vitamin D, and they are essential to a Guinea Pig's health. When you see your furry friend tuck under themselves, they are eating the Cecals. The process is called Coprophagy. (Co-pro-fa-ge)It is rare to see a Cecotrope.
Q: When my guinea pig cleans herself, white milky fluid comes from her eyes. Is she okay?
A: Yes, she is perfectly okay. This fluid that comes from their eyes, and helps their fur when they groom. They wipe it off very fast, and it goes into their fur.
Q: When I give my Piggy timothy hay, he jumps up and squeaks. I don't know what he is doing. Can you help?
A: This is called popcorning. These animals do it when they are happy or excited. Popcorning is a very good sign!
Q: Should my Guinea Pig's pups be up and walking already, even though they were born just three hours ago?
A: Guinea Pigs are born with all their hair and with their eyes open. They will adjust very quickly to their surroundings, and be up and around within a few hours.

Q: My Guinea Pig's teeth are very large and they stick out of her mouth. What is wrong?
A: Cavy Teeth never stop growing. Make sure you give your Guinea Pig lots to chew on, so their teeth wear down.
Q: My cavy keeps on eating her fecal matter. Is something wrong with her?
A: Nothing is wrong with you Guinea Pig. Guinea Pigs produce two kinds of poo,"Normal, and cecotropes. Cecotropes, or cecals, pas through the Piggy's digestive tract, which is common in many rodents. This type of scat is rich in vitamin D, and they are essential to a Guinea Pig's health. When you see your furry friend tuck under themselves, they are eating the Cecals. The process is called Coprophagy. (Co-pro-fa-ge)It is rare to see a Cecotrope.
Q: When my guinea pig cleans herself, white milky fluid comes from her eyes. Is she okay?
A: Yes, she is perfectly okay. This fluid that comes from their eyes, and helps their fur when they groom. They wipe it off very fast, and it goes into their fur.
Q: When I give my Piggy timothy hay, he jumps up and squeaks. I don't know what he is doing. Can you help?
A: This is called popcorning. These animals do it when they are happy or excited. Popcorning is a very good sign!
Q: Should my Guinea Pig's pups be up and walking already, even though they were born just three hours ago?
A: Guinea Pigs are born with all their hair and with their eyes open. They will adjust very quickly to their surroundings, and be up and around within a few hours.

Q: My Guinea Pig's teeth are very large and they stick out of her mouth. What is wrong?
A: Cavy Teeth never stop growing. Make sure you give your Guinea Pig lots to chew on, so their teeth wear down.
Thanks much for the info. I was getting kind of worried about my Guinea Pig's diet...but it surprised me! It is so crazy how Cavies actually need to eat their pellets!
Your welcome. I think it's really weird as well. I can add more posts like this is you want! Just contact me on this post and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
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