Guinea Pigs-Can they Learn?

When I got Willow, she didn't want to eat. I tried to feed her carrots, even an apple. She just ignored them. But now, I've had her for almost a year. She loves carrots and apples, and quickly caught on to the others. So here's the question-Can Guinea Pigs Learn?

The anser is yes. Guinea Pigs can in fact learn. Although, they cannot learn everything in the universe.

They can...

*Adjust to the new environment.
*Learn to like new foods.
*Notice your voice.
*Do a few tricks.
*Get a strong bond with their owner.
*Learn when they are usually fed.

My piggies know my voice, and love the same foods. It is true that Guinea Pigs learn from their own species. Willow, my youngest one, always tries to follow around my oldest Cavy. Also, it took a while for my furry little friends get use to their Vitamin C drops. This bugged me for quite some time, because Guinea Pigs need their Vitamin C.

There are simple steps for you Guinea Pig to learn.

*Be patient.
*Keep on trying to give them the food or whatever you want to give them. Soon they will get the message-you want them to eat it.
*Be kind. When your Guinea Pig takes a nibble, give them some pets and a good ear scratch.
Guinea Pigs are very social, but somewhat stubborn creatures. You cannot rush a Guinea Pig to learn too fast. So the answer is yes- Guinea Pigs can learn. They are smart creatures, but not yet fully evolved.


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