G-Force, Not the Truth, but Inspiring

First off, sorry for not posting for a couple of days. Actually, I have been messing around with my blog templates a bit. I need feedback on which ones you like the most. Okay, on to the topic for this post-

I love to see movies about Guinea Pigs.  I really do. This is where G-Force comes in. Made in 2009, this movie is about some Crazy cavies who have special abilities. It's meant for little kids, but i just had to watch it. Their perspective of Guinea Pigs is far off. 

They portray our little friends as secreter agents, who talk, do amazing tricks and flips, and have cunning intelligence.  We all know, even if it's sad to say, our little furry friends are not that smart. Here is a general comparison between the two.

The Common Cavy

*Slightly less intelligent that your average cat.
*Can to little tricks, and swim in shallow water.
*Do not wear clothes.
*Live in a C and c cage, or a normal cage.

G-Force Cavies

*Intelligence of a human
*Can scale walls, dive underwater, and free fall.
*Wear clothes, gadgets, and gears.
*Live in a large building, and just about have the run of the house.

The movie does have one other Guinea Pig in it, though. A semi-normal Guinea Pig. The only thing is that he eats human food, and passes gas often. A little offensive and far off, I think, but he was a crack up.

Although this movie may not be entirely the truth, it has done good as well. In one part of the movie, the owner of the Cavies explains that he rescued the piggies. I thought that was very sweet in the part of the movie.

G-Force has also persuaded over 100 people to adopt cavies from local shelters. I say thumbs up to G-Force for that. It really was inspirational.


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