I you are like me, a Cavy Lover, you probably have seen this image of perfection around the internet. This Stock Image Guinea Pig is a mystery. It's not in the Stock Image Index, even though it is a Stock photo. Nobody knows who took this photo of this memerzing Cavy.
How can she stand so still? You move your whole body, she stays like a rock. If she were human, there may be a slight issue with her. That is only one of many questions people around the globe have to say about this "Creepy" Cavy.
This female Piggy has a whole selection of merchandise. Bags, T-Shirts, Hats, Mugs, Note Pads. She also has perfect symmetry. Her white is perfect by the centimeter. Even her whiskers point in the same direction. Not so much as a paw is a different color.
But this question is still the biggest for all Cavy lovers-Did this Guinea pig Lead a good life? Does she still leave a good life today? We wonder what his true story was. Did she live with other Guinea Pigs? Was she treated as they should be treated? The only information we have is the title of this image. "Guinea Pig Over White. (GPOW)
Unfortunatley, GPOW has left this world a very long time ago. His merchandise carries on, and we will remember his handomness and our jealousy.

Yup, she's just gorgeous. Look at that flawless fur!
She is a beauty. She reminds me of my Guinea Pig.
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