Keep Your Guinea Pig Smelling Good

As all you Cavy Owners know, after a while, guinea pigs get musty. They have a dusty smell on them that can trigger allergies. Not just that, but the piggies don't like it either. The Solution? Baths. A Good Bath will do the trick. And it's so simple!Just stay on a schedule. For Long-haired Guinea Pigs, I suggest a bath every two months.

You will need-

*A bathtub
*Your Guinea Pig
*Small-Animal Shampoo
*A brush
*Scissors (Optional)

1.Fill up your bathtub to 1-3 inches, depending on your Guinea Pig's size. Just to let you know, if you haven't yet bathed your friend, Guinea Pigs can swim.

2.Let your Cavy adjust to the new environment. Give them treats, and calm them down.
3.Gently poor warm water on their fur. Pet their back.
4.Put a small nickel sized amount of shampoo on your hands. Rub it through their fur, but avoid getting it in their eyes.
5.Rinse the shampoo of your Guinea Pig.
6.When Your Guinea Pig is out of the water, dry them in a towel immediately. When partially dry, gently go through their fur with a small animal brush.
7.Some people like to trim their long-haired Guinea Pig's fur. If you know how, clip off the edges of the loose hair.
8.Make sure your Guinea Pig is dry and calm, then put them back in their cage to rest.
Your Piggy will smell nice and clean after a warm bath.
Your Furry Friend will be much less stinky after their nice bath. 


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